That half a million could have gone to the homeless and hungry
Dear Sir,
Almost half a million dollars spent on trying to tell someone who they can and cannot marry? What a waste of money! We have women and children who are being abused and living in shelters. They could use some of that money. We have homeless and hungry people. They could be certainly helped with some of that money.
In fact, there are so many organisations in Bermuda that would be so very grateful to have funds to help those in need. But, no, almost half a million is spent on trying to tell people who they should or should not love and to ban how they want to live their lives? How sad for Bermuda!
I am not a believer in God — although I would put myself in the agnostic category rather than the atheist group — but I do believe that if there is a god, He or She would be appalled that so much was spent so unwisely.
I was always told that God loves and accepts everyone as they are. Why can’t we all do the same? If you believe that same-sex marriage is wrong, no one disputes that you are entitled to have your views.
The key word here should be “your”. Have your views, but keep them to yourself. You are not going to change who a person loves by banning same-sex marriage.
We often turn a blind eye to domestic abuse, but then chastise what is done in the name of love. That makes no sense at all! If there is a God and you believe, as many do, that He will have the last say, then let Him/Her have that last say and let others live their lives as they see fit.
And then put our hard-earned money to a better use, however you see fit. Just a thought ... my thought.