PLP supporters must be suffering from whiplash
Dear Sir,
Surely this must be a most difficult time for the rank-and-file membership of the Progressive Labour Party. All that they were against and voted against in 2017 and 2020 is now coming back to them as necessary for “their future success”. Whilst there are any number of examples to choose from allow me to concentrate on just two.
Concessions: Mr Editor, you can remember surely when the PLP supporters were most offended and highly critical of the former One Bermuda Alliance government hotel relief and concessions programmes.
This was deeply criticised by the then-PLP Opposition, under the same David Burt, as corporate welfare, unnecessary subsidising of the wealthy, etc.
He argued that the revenue lost could be used to help sustain monies for financial assistance, seniors, education, healthcare and the like. But a few years in government is a very short time.
Now unspecified quantities of subsidies are a good thing, but do not ask why, or how much, or for how long. Not even the newly minted Minister of Tourism can say, and he is the fella who just introduced the newest one!
So, the average supporter will just have to swallow it hook, line, and sinker. To help them swallow the Minster promises that “economic benefits to Bermuda … far outweigh the value of concessions”. Not knowing the value of either, how could that be so?
Taxes: Remember the manifesto promise in 2017 “a PLP Government will reduce the cost of living, especially for seniors …”
One cannot but be tempted to ask …. “Are you better off today than in 2017?” The pandemic has certainly had its effect, as it has everywhere. But Mr Editor, if the truth be told, the economy was in bad shape prior to any pandemic.
This Government has increased the cost of living in Bermuda through increased health costs for everyone, but especially seniors. Increased consumption taxes specifically, the 75 per cent “Sugar Tax” and the now $20 million travel tax which effects both locals and visitors alike, at the same time allowing inflation to rage uncontrollably on everything we import. This contrasts with their campaign promise of “controlling costs”.
Whilst these few examples alone would be depressing enough, the Government at the same time managed to rack up another $1 billion-plus in debt.
Every man, woman, and child are looking down the throat of $100,000 each as their share. What an awesome future they have managed to pass on to the next generation in less than 15 years.
So, the PLP supporter, as well as the rest of the residents, can be excused if they are complaining of whiplash.
The Premier is quick to remind us that he is fulfilling his Party’s promises. Well, if the promise was to increase unemployment, increase the cost of living, make it impossible for those on fixed income to survive and increase the debt of the island, then congratulations are in order.
I may be going out on a limb here, but I am confident that is not what the voters had in mind.