Follow the rules of the road
May 4, 2022
Dear Sir,
I am writing this as a road safety message and to advise motorists and in particular the driver of a white open back van as to the rules for the East Broadway roundabout.
A few weeks ago I was travelling into the city of Hamilton at approximately 9.10am from Harbour Road. The driver of the van was travelling into the city from Trimingham Hill. As I was going through the roundabout in the left lane, the driver of the van, with a look of disdain, intentionally crossed over from the right lane directly into my path, almost causing a collision. This is the second time in as many weeks this has happened to me.
The signage at the roundabout for traffic entering the city from the Harbour Road clearly states “give way to buses from 7.30am to 9.30am”. Between those hours, traffic flow into the city from the Harbour Road has the right of way.
Hopefully this short letter will help avoid serious injury or possibly death to some other road user.