Still no movement on public access to Gibbet’s Beach
Dear Sir,
I copy below an extract of an update from Lieutenant-Colonel David Burch to the House of Assembly in May 2019. There has been no progress. The public still do not have free access to Gibbet’s Beach from the Railway Trail, except as permitted by the private owner. At present, this is Monday, Wednesday and Friday if deemed convenient, which is not always the case.
Along with Shelly Bay, this is one of just two beaches on North Shore in the east. It is very safe and ideal for children. A proper car park has also been recently constructed across from the entrance to the Railway Trail and beach. Trash cans also need to be provided.
Will the Government please carry out its intention to pursue ownership by whatever means so that the people can enjoy the beach whenever they choose.
“With regard to the beach, Mr Speaker, the Railway Trail currently dissects the land that people refer to as Police Beach — that land, on either side is still under private ownership. While the beach is public from the high-water mark, it is important that land access for the general public is provided. At present, the beach cannot be accessed from the Railway Trail without traversing private land, permission for which in recent times has been denied.
“Mr Speaker, in the first instance, the ministry will begin discussions with the current owners of land to the north-eastern side of the Railway Trail to gauge their interest in selling it. Should that route be unsuccessful, the Government will pursue ownership under the terms of the Acquisition of Land Act 1970, specifically the provisions for compulsory purchase contained therein.”