Voter apathy harms both parties
Dear Sir,
Your report today (Monday, November 20, 2023) “PLP and OBA running neck and neck – poll” was interesting.
You go on to quote Rolfe Commissiong, who suggested voter apathy could harm the Government.
You also quote: “The PLP will continue to tell its story on the doorsteps.”
Fact: the last Progressive Labour Party candidate to visit me without an invitation was Eugene Cox some 40 years ago, and the last One Bermuda Alliance candidate to visit without an invitation was Catherine Kempe in 2020. All other visits have been at my instigation.
Both parties take the voter for granted, which generates voter apathy.
The only MP in recent years who visited in between elections was John Barritt, who cared for all of his constituents. Unfortunately, he was thrown to the wolves — a loss not only to his constituents but to the whole country.
Both parties need to be on the doorsteps now — whether or not they have a candidate lined up for that particular constituency.
No voter appreciates being taken for granted. However, in spite of the above, I urge all registered voters to exercise their democratic responsibilities and get out and vote whenever the next election is called.
If you do not vote, you have no right to complain whenever you disagree with the powers that be!
I look forward to meeting party representatives on my doorstep — hope is eternal!