Calling all roads scholars
Dear Sir,
It’s a broken record, I know. However, when will we see some work started — truly corrective work — on our appalling road surfaces?
After facing a new front suspension on my car, I’m now having to replace steering parts. The golf carts I drive are far smoother than the ride in my car!
Further, the cart paths are in much better condition than the roads. It is not only uncomfortable driving, but it’s dangerous for vehicles — cars, trucks and bikes — particularly at night when the potholes are not always evident until you’re in them.
It seems that some of the small rental cars could be swallowed up in the larger potholes. However, the benefit of driving the small cars is that if they break down, you might be able to pick them up and carry them home!
Hopefully we will see some remedial work soon — or are we waiting for the future team of “roads scholars” to graduate.
Bouncing is fun on a trampoline, but not on our roads.