We want to know you will continue to listen
Dear Sir,
It’s showtime! And what a show it is — more than 100 candidates running.
Having just attended one of the One Bermuda Alliance’s “meet and greet” gatherings, met the person running in our constituency, heard the party’s platform, asked questions, and learnt their plans and hopes for all of Bermuda, I am encouraged that the OBA wants to do just that — work for all of us! Its platform is not just election lip service.
How refreshing it was to have a visit this morning from our candidate [David Rogers], the day after meeting him. Further, I believe that if he is elected, he will continue showing his interest in our concerns and what we would like to see done for our constituency and for Bermuda.
Good luck to all those elected to serve on February 18 — no matter which party they represent — but please remember that we, the voters, put you there. We want to know that you will continue to listen to us.
If you are satisfied with your quality of life, and if it is just as good or better than since the present government was elected, so be it. But it’s not hard to see that many are not satisfied. We need a change — badly. There are so many parts of Bermuda that need “fixing” right now. I won’t bore everyone with listing what they are; we all know what they are.
Listen carefully to what is being said and give a chance to some new representatives. What do we have to lose?
Devonshire (C14)
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