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Bridge Club regular Gina Graham will be sorely missed

This week’s hand is a little more advanced than usual, but has some real instructional value in the declarer play and in the bidding (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

The bidding was good (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

South opened a 15-17 NT and North’s 2 heart bid was a transfer to spades – South’s 3 spade bid was a “super accept” showing 4 spades and better than minimum hand and North had just enough to accept the invitation.

In a team game, neither player in the West chair wanted to make an aggressive lead because both of them felt such a lead could give the contract away – and yes, leading away from a Jack is often dangerous (give dummy Q10 and declarer Ax and you will see why). As a result, they both led a trump.

The first declarer played the 10 of spades from dummy and took East’s Jack with his Queen and drew the remaining trumps with the Ace. He crossed to dummy with a diamond to the King and ran the seven of clubs to West’s Queen.

West exited with a low diamond to dummy’s Ace. Declarer continued by playing a club from dummy. East’s diamond discard meant that he had a second club loser and that the contract would depend on the King of hearts making a trick. Alas, West had both the ace and queen of hearts and this declarer was down one – a fairly well deserved result for declarer as the play was pedestrian.

How would you tackle the hand? I’ll give you a hint – the play involves the sexy sounding “strip and end-play”, so with that in mind give it a try before seeing what declarer in the other room did.

At the other table, declarer also drew a second round of trumps with the Ace at trick two. Then he cashed dummy’s Ace and King of diamonds, returned to hand with a trump to the King, ruffed the 10 of diamonds in dummy and, finally, ran the 7 of clubs to West’s Queen. This was now the position (see Figure 3).

Figure 3

Based on South’s bidding, West knew that he held the King of hearts, so he exited with a low club which was won in dummy with the eight, East discarding a low diamond.

Declarer now knew the layout of the hand and simply played the Ace and another club to West’s King and West found himself end-played for a second time on the deal. With only hearts remaining, West cashed the Ace of hearts and continued with a low heart to declarer’s King – ten tricks for declarer and a big win on the board.

The strip and end-play comes up ever so often, especially when you have good trumps in both hand, so keep a lookout for the opportunity over your next few games.

In closing, I sadly pass on news of the death of a loyal and active Bridge Club member, Gina Graham, who passed away last week in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

Gina returned to the Bridge Club a few years ago, having played with her husband David many years before. She was a popular member who was universally liked, and she will be sorely missed. Gina and her partner Felicity Lunn were regular players on a Monday afternoon and Tuesday and Thursday evenings and her absence will leave a void for the regulars in those sessions.

All at the Bridge Club send our sincere condolences to her children Kerry, Sarah and Patrick.


Friday, January 21

1. Peter Donnellan – Jack Rhind

2. Charles Hall – John Rayner

3. Magda Farag – Marge Way

Monday, January 24

1. Lynanne Bolton – Peter Donnellan

2. Pat Siddle – Gill Gray

3. Magda Farag – Sheena Rayner

Tuesday, January 25

1. Marion Silver – Duncan Silver

2. Veronica Boyce – Carol Eastham

3. Sarah Bowers – Stuart Clare

Wednesday, January 26

1. Martha Ferguson – Judy King

2. Marge Way – Charles Hall

3. Bill Pollett – John Rayner

Thursday, January 27

1. Linda Pollett – Elizabeth McKee

2. Marge Way – Diana Diel

3. Lynanne Bolton – Peter Donnellan

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Published January 29, 2022 at 8:00 am (Updated January 28, 2022 at 11:50 am)

Bridge Club regular Gina Graham will be sorely missed

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