Hand that demonstrates need for clear thinking
I'm travelling again this week, so straight to the hand.
The hand is one I return to every once in a while, because it is a really clear example of the need for clear, simple thinking during the play of the hand (see Figure 1).
The bidding got a bit out of control (see Figure 2).
1, transfer to spades
2, “super accept” with a max of four trumps
3, a real flight of fancy!
West lead a trump and declare drew trumps and then played four rounds of clubs throwing a …????
Declarer should pitch a heart as it offers two chances to make the hand.
Now cross to dummy and lead the singleton heart – if East has the Ace, he has to take it and now the diamond can go on the King of hearts – slam made.
If the King of hearts loses to the Ace, declarer now tries the diamond finesse – two chances instead of one!
For the full hand, see Figure 3.
Good play indeed!
Friday, March 11
1. Aida Bostelmann – Heather Woolf
2. Betsy Baillie – Allyson Eadie
3. Marge Way – Jack Rhind
Monday, March 14
1. Peter Donnellan – John Rayner
2. Aida Bostelmann – Julia Beach
3/4 Wendy Gray – Richard Gray
3/4 Diana Diel – Dorry Lusher
Tuesday, March 15
1. Keri McKittrick – Tim McKittrick
2. Marion Silver – Duncan Silver
3. Janice Bucci – Angela McKittrick
1. Heidi Dyson – Amanda Ingham
2. Malcolm Moseley – Mark Stevens
3. Sandra Ogden – George Ogden
Wednesday, March 16
1. Marge Way – Magda Farag
2. Lynanne Bolton – Peter Donnellan
3. Martha Ferguson – Judy King
Thursday, March 17
1. Gertie Barker – John Glynn
2. Stephanie Kyme – Diana Diel
3. Lynanne Bolton – Magda Farag
1. Rachael Gosling – Stephan Juliusberger
2/3 Martha Ferguson – Judy King
2/3 Elizabeth McKee – Linda Pollett
Non-Bridge Club Online Results for Bridge Club Members
March 14: Elizabeth McKee and Stephanie Kyme – first out of 326 pairs