Top-class bridge a joy to watch on BBO
Top-class bridge is a joy to watch, and with Bridge Base Online providing VuGraph on all major events one can watch the top players right through the day. The American Contract Bridge League Summer Nationals are on right now and the featured event is The Spingold, a much prized teams event.
In addition to this there are great players playing on BBO every day and they welcome kibitzers (bridge parlance for viewers). One of my boyhood bridge heroes, Bernito Garozzo, is on nearly every day and has a number of kibitzers that follow his every move – he will turn 95 this year but still waves a magic wand when it comes to bridge. He plays under the name “Sillafu” and is on most mornings.
Today’s hand turned up between two expert pairs and resulted in a wonderful game of cat and mouse between declarer and the defence (see Figure 1).
The bidding was good and straightforward (see Figure 2).
South opened his blockbuster with a strong two clubs and heard the expected “waiting” two diamond bid – now two spades was forcing for one round and North showed a little something with his 2NT bid.
South now showed his second suit and North preferred to spades. South now made the reasonable leap to six spades as there is no scientific way to deal with hands like this.
West led a safe trump and dummy was a disappointment, as there was no quick entry.
Declarer drew trumps, cashed the diamond Ace and now played the heart Jack — if either opponent wins this the hand is over, as heart Queen provides an entry to the King of diamonds for a discard of the club Queen.
Declarer was world class, but East-West were also experts and when East saw partner’s heart six he decided to hold off with the heart King. Declarer now tried the heart ten, but when partner played the five, confirming two hearts, that left declarer with four hearts and East once again held off.
Declarer now has to not try the heart Ace, and instead can play the Ace and Queen of clubs. If West wins, any return by him allows declarer to discard the losing heart on the diamond King or club Jack. If, however, East wins and returns a heart declarer , having also noticed West’s 65 , lets it run to the Queen and the hand makes.
A great thrust and parry by South and East!
Friday, July 15
1. Magda Farag - Joe Wakefield
2. Jane Smith - Marge Way
3. Peter Donnellan - Charles Hall
1. Diana Diel - Stephanie Kyme
2. Martha Ferguson - Judy King
3. Katrina Van Pelt - Donna Leitch
Monday, July 18
1. Peter Donnellan - Charles Hall
2. Molly Taussig - Sheena Rayner
3. Jane Smith - Marge Way
Tuesday, July 19
1. Jane Downing- Jamie Sapsford
2. Wenda Krupp - Jane Gregory
3. Amanda Ingham - Heidi Dyson
1. Jean Schilling - Mark Stevens
2. Vivian Pereira - Wilena White
3. Michelle Quinlan - Stuart Quinlan
Wednesday, July 20
1. Jane Smith - Marge Way
2. Caroline Svensen - George Correia
3. Martha Ferguson - Judy King
Thursday, July 21
1. Sharon Shanahan - Cllaude Guay
2. Jane Smith - Magda Farag
3. Molly Taussig - George Correia