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Nearly 2,000 sign duty hike petition

Nearly 2,000 people have signed their names to a petition against hiking the duty on goods couriered into Bermuda.As of last night more than 1,800 had signed the online petition, “Bermudians and Residents against proposed duty increase”, created by Gwendolyn Ward and addressed to Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox.“Our issue is the damaging tax proposal of increasing duty for all imported personal items by as much as 500 percent, whether by air freight, ocean freight or courier,” the petition said.“This will affect all residents of Bermuda without exception. Ninety-five percent of all imported items come into Bermuda via ocean freight, air freight, courier or the post office, which are billed at the normal lower duty rate. Only five percent comes through the airport, which is at a 35 percent duty rate. If the intention is to 'normalise' or 'harmonise' duty rates, lower the airport back to the normal duty rates that all other methods are on.”Many of those signing the petition vented their frustrations at the idea of hiking duty.Among the slew of angry comments, “Gregory Wright” wrote: “I am an Ocean freight customs broker and if it is not broken don't try to fix it, and this government is trying to rob Peter to pay Paul.”Many like “Katherine Berry” described how they were unable to find what they were looking for on-Island: “I buy Bermudian first but often I cannot find what I want or need in Bermuda. I should not be penalised when I need to bring things in that are not available here.“For example, not a single retailer in Bermuda had a size 2T long sleeved shirt in a plain colour (any colour) for two months leading up to Christmas. Retailers who bring in things that Bermudians need and want will do well.”“Loredana Perrin” wrote: “Try to find size ten shoes, they only bring in one and children's shoes in town near to impossible (to find). Don't penalise us for their lack of merchandise. We have been complaining for years and have been ignored.”Another woman signing the petition, “Sandra Outerbridge”, wrote: “I need to shop abroad by mailboxes and courier companies because Bermuda doesn’t have the selection, or sizes I require. I need 36 inch leg pants and take size 12 women's shoes and they aren't available here or if they are very poor selection and don't usually fit rights.”“Gertraud Gierlinger” wrote: “If the Government is so desperate for money, why don't they raise taxes for luxury boats, large cars that add to the congestion on the road, and how about registration fees for cats as required for dogs, and being more efficient in collecting fines overdue.”Mailboxes Unlimited President Steve Thomson has led a separate campaign against hiking duty. He has come out against the Chamber of Commerce’s backing of putting in a place a standardised 25 percent rate of duty on personal goods imported to the Island.Premier and Finance Minister Paula Cox last month said Government would examine the duty charged on all personal imports (including online purchase imported via courier company or the post), after Government raised the duty on personal imports brought through the airport to 35 percent.The petition can be found at:http://www.change.org/petitions/the-hon-paula-a-cox-mp-jp-premierfinance-minister-bermudians-and-residents-against-proposed-duty-increase