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Upper Crust reverts to Four Star name

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The Upper Crust eatery is returning to its roots and becoming, once again, Four Star — offering more than just pizza.The company, which operates four locations around the Island — Hamilton, Flatts, Warwick and Somerset — has changed back to its previous, well-known moniker Four Star and will soon open a fifth location in a central parish.Four Star Pizza originally opened in 1990 after the owners spent a weekend trip in New York watching deliverymen on bikes all over the city and seeing a void in the Bermuda marketplace.Fifteen years later, at the end of 2005, management decided to rename the restaurants Upper Crust to reflect the new additions of different cuisines to the menu — namely Indian and Chinese selections.But old traditions die hard and seven years into the new name, people still kept calling Upper Crust Four Star. Even their entry in the phone book has a caveat next to their name.“After all those years, people still continue to call us Four Star so that’s what the people want, so we are going to give it to them,” said Marico Thomas, president of the company. “Bermudians being Bermudians, every day people still call us Four Star. We get it and we’re changing.”The new name Four Star now has the tag line “more than just great pizza” to reflect the fact that the menu will still offer all the usual Indian and Chinese dishes along with all of customers favourite items.“While we still have everyone’s favourites, we’ve simplified the menu a bit focusing on quality, service, convenience and consistency — which is what the four stars are based on,” he said.Indigo — the company’s global cuisine restaurant located upstairs from the Flatts Four Star will remain the same.The company will be embarking on a new bold and colourful advertising campaign reminiscent of the old Four Star in the hopes to creating a buzz around the return to the name.“Upper Crust’s colour scheme had a lot of calm, earth tones and our marketing was conservative,” said Mr Thomas. “Four Star was bold, primary colours and is very loud and brash about its marketing.”In a week’s time, the new Four Star will offer customers the ability to order online via their website, www.fourstar.bm.“Straight from your computer to ours, you don’t have to leave the house or pick up the phone,” said Mr Thomas, who added that the company has invested in “world class, industry leading” technology to make it all happen.Customers can also sign up for Four Star’s new e-mail club, where members will receive weekly discounts on lunch, dinner and party menus.“There will be deep discounts ranging from reasonable to crazy,” said Mr Thomas.The company currently has more than 75 employees but according to Mr Thomas, they will be looking to hire soon.“We are a machine and a machine needs sustenance — we will need more staff — drivers, managers and waiters,” he said.Mr Thomas said that his company, like most of the restaurant industry, has not been immune to the effects economic downturn but said that when the times get tough, the tough get creative.“A recession causes you to be more creative if you’re wired that way, and I’m wired that way,” he said. “We have seen a difference in business since the recession but we’re always tweaking, always evolving — finding new ways to compete. This change is on par with everything we’ve done since 1990.”

Brand update: Four Star president Marico Thomas