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85 jobs on the line as wind-up petition is filed against White’s

Petition to wind up: White’s, which operates this supermarket at Southside, St David’s, is seeing tough times. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

As many as 85 jobs are on the line after a petition to wind up troubled White & Sons supermarket group was filed in the Supreme Court.The petition for the winding up of White’s, which has been in the supermarket business here since 1924, was put forward by shipping and courier company IBC Ltd.An official with IBC had no comment on the legal action, or how much money it was owed by White’s chain, saying it was in the hands of lawyers.The petition will be heard in the Supreme Court at 9.30am on July 20 when any other creditors can come forward to make their case to be paid money owed.White’s vice-president Gary White said yesterday on the petition: “Unfortunately I cannot comment at this early stage.”Earlier this month wholesale companies Pitt & Company Ltd and BGA Ltd took out writs against White’s “carrying on business as White & Sons Supermarket, Southside Supermarket and Haywards Supermarket”.Sources in the food industry say White’s may be able to find the cash to pay off creditors - via bank financing or other means - which could possibly keep the company going. The family-owned company may have assets or property that can be leveraged.Customers of White’s have complained for months that the stores have been running out of many items, including staples, and lately even pasta, and shelves were looking bare. The pharmacy at White’s Southside was closed suddenly late last month.Back in April the owners of White’s told this newspaper they and their staff of 85 were working hard to turn things around after a difficult period.Gary White told The Royal Gazette that with “much hard work and difficult decisions, we are on our way back”.Admitting stock has not been what it should, he had assured that management was working to change that and appealed for customers to stick by them for the sake of the company’s many long-serving staff.