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HIP deadline looms

Employers and all self-employed persons are being encouraged to sign up for HIP, Government’s Health Insurance Plan, during the open registration period that ends on Friday.Those who don’t comply with the law face a hefty fine.All employers (self-employed included) must obtain health insurance coverage for their employees — not necessarily HIP.“The penalty is $500 per offence for non-compliance, per section 20 (4) of the Health Insurance Act,” a Health Ministry spokesperson said.“In addition, payment of the cost of the standard hospital benefits for any claim that may have occurred during a lack of coverage is also the responsibility of the employer.”The current HIP premium is a set fee of $390 and does not progress. That fee went up this year from $385 to $390.The spokesperson said customer service representatives had been experiencing “a small increase in volume of applications” during the open enrolment period which started last Tuesday.The public should be advised there is no requirement for a medical examination during this period and HIP is available for anyone over school-leaving age.Some of HIP’s benefits include:Hospital treatment (inpatient and outpatient services)Doctor’s visits (in-hospital, home and office)Basic dental coverageDiagnostic imaging and laboratory testingOverseas treatment (at rates paid in Bermuda)