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Private jet terminal operators optimistic despite slower-than-expected business

Celebration: Pictured at the Universal Aviation ribbon cutting are (from left) Adolfo Aragon, Ralph Vasami, Transport Minister Walter Roban and Herman Tucker (Photo by Mark Tatem)

The new operators of the private jet terminal at LF Wade International airport held an official ribbon cutting ceremony last week with Transport Minister Walter Roban and Attorney General Kim Wilson in attendance.Universal Aviation Bermuda Ltd has been open since August, receiving corporate and leisure flights as well as medivac aeroplanes.The company, which currently has a staff of 12 full-time employees, 11 of which are Bermudian, features on-site customs and immigration, a dedicated fuel truck, 130,000-square-feet ramp parking, fully equipped lounges, and conference rooms.At the start business at the Houston-based firm had been steady. Within the first two weeks of operation, they serviced 24 aircraft.Since then business has been slower than expected but Universal Aviation remains hopeful and have several new clients in the pipeline.“We’re excited about the business,” said Jorge Alva, the director of operations for the parent company who is in Bermuda to oversee the official opening. “Bermuda is a premier location for business and leisure travel. We’re very optimistic.”While the numbers of flights weren’t what they had originally forecasted, they are looking to increase traffic 15 to 20 percent by the end of the year.The company has been out drumming up business at industry conventions, meetings and association forums throughout the world — acting as an advocate for Bermuda at the same time.Universal Aviation, which has 48 offices in 20 countries around the world, is also talking up Bermuda to their current clients for which they coordinate thousands of trips a day.“We’re looking to increase the level of service in terms of safety, security and support,” said Mr Alva.Universal Aviation Bermuda’s local partner is Herman Tucker of HCT Limited. Under the new operators, the private jet terminal features complete concierge services for all on-island needs, including hotel accommodations, catering, and ground transportation. There is also a passenger and crew lounge, conference room with seating for up to ten and Wi-Fi throughout the facility.The other private terminal handler on the Island is Aircraft Services Bermuda.