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“We appreciate the support of the UK Governor and the US Consul” — Premier Craig Cannonier

Premier Craig Cannonier: appreciation for Governor, US Consul's words -

Premier Craig Cannonier said he “very much appreciated” Governor George Fergusson urging insurance and reinsurance professionals to promote the value of their industry, and Consul General Robert Settje’s offer of help in building a stronger Bermuda economy.Mr Fergusson and Mr Settje had made the comments during speeches given on Wednesday at the Insurance Day Summit Bermuda conference.In a press release today, the Premier said: “The Bermuda Government is focused on strengthening the Bermuda economy and creating jobs and opportunities for Bermudians. We appreciate the support of the UK. Governor and the US. Consul General. Their recognition that Bermuda provides real value to the US in the form of insurance, reinsurance, international investment and the need to deliver that message around the world is very much appreciated.“We will continue to work with them and others as we promote Bermuda's financial products and services and underscore their value around the world.”Both Mr Settje and the Governor George Fergusson had referred to Premier Craig Cannonier's opening address at the Insurance Day Summit Bermuda conference in their speeches. The Premier had urged the industry 'to make some noise' and tell the Government about their needs.Mr Fergusson had described the Island's regulatory environment, emphasising its strength. He said Bermuda has "a proud record of probity," the result of which is a reinsurance industry that is "real business, real reinsurance business.”He concluded: "We may all need to be rather more active in putting out the story of Bermuda's strengths in today's increasingly cynical world," he said, and called it "a big PR challenge."The US Consul, noting Bermuda's economy is entering a fifth year of recession, said: "I'm concerned and my Government is concerned — we want a strong Bermuda economy."Mr Settje asked the insurance and reinsurance professionals to tell him about any ideas they have to improve the local economy. He said: "Come and talk to me. He added: "I can pass those thoughts on."If there is any way I can help, I will, if I can't — I'll tell you."