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Stevedoring gears up for major overhaul

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Ready for change: Polaris chairman Cheryl Hayward-Chew (Photo by Mark Tatem)

The appointment of Warren Jones as the new chief executive officer of Stevedoring Services is just one part of a major overhaul for the company.

The just-retired Permanent Secretary for Education will start at Bermuda’s port operations company at the beginning of January.

Cheryl Hayward-Chew, who is the chairman of Polaris Holding Company Ltd, Stevedoring Services’ parent company, explained the economic downturn has had a “tremendous impact” on its business.

“It is a symptom of the contracting economy in Bermuda — and for Stevedoring Services, as the economy contracts, the volume (of imports) become less and less, and we are adjusting,” she said.

“The company does not have control over the volume of goods that we are moving on and off the docks,” she explained. “So this year, we had a third party do a strategic plan — an in-depth look at how we are doing things at Stevedoring Services.”

The chairman pointed to the people who work for Stevedoring Services. “Port workers, the garage and administration as a group — I don’t think that Bermudians appreciate that they and the docks are our lifeline.”

In searching for a new CEO, Polaris was looking for an individual who had experience implementing change, and also had experience working with unions. “Mr Jones was the ideal candidate,” she said. “Nothing will work unless we are doing it hand in hand with the unions.”

Mrs Hayward-Chew explained how the strategic planning process had worked. “The third party has looked at every aspect of the operations — they drilled down because they wanted to get perspective of every level of the company.”

Now, Stevedoring Services will change how it operates — at the docks, in their garage and other operations. They have also looked at reengineering the company’s existing infrastructure, as well as their processes and training.

“It’s very exciting,” she said. “Personally, I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved — and more involved at the operational level than a board chairman would normally be.

“These are very difficult times for the Island, but for us, we now have to go beyond our comfort zones. We have to be critical and think beyond what has always been done. It can be painful, but it’s worth it. If you don’t do it, it gets to a ‘sink or swim’ situation.”

Additionally, in challenging economic times, it is important to operate to the highest standards, she said.

During the strategic planning process, Mrs Hayward-Chew, who normally works in an office environment, spent time on the docks learning first-hand about the work done there. “I had several port workers take me around. I climbed on a crane, and saw how the containers are loaded — it was fun!”

She added: “To get out of the comfort zone — that’s a good thing.”

She observed that the activity in and around the docks is not only an indicator of how the economy in Bermuda is doing, but it is also a good way to know what activities are happening. “When construction is going on, you see the steel coming in. Take the new hospital wing project, for example — you see the whole construction process; you saw the structural goods, and now fixtures and fittings are coming in.”

The docks also saw the equipment that was brought in for The Island Games arrive, and then saw it going back out again.

Now, with a new CEO at the helm, Polaris and Stevedoring Services are also looking forward to new docks to service the Island. “We are extremely excited to be welcoming Mr Jones, and (working with him on) our long-term vision for the ports, working with the Corporation of Hamilton and the Government’s future port of Bermuda,” she said.

Mrs Hayward-Chew said the process would not necessarily be a fast one. But Polaris expects to be involved in these decisions because: “We have the history, knowledge and long experience with ports.”

Warren Jones: Incoming Stevedoring Services CEO