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Stores capitalising on easing of Sunday restrictions

Paula Clarke: CEO of Gibbons Co and chairman of the retail division of the Chamber of Commerce.

Retailers are taking advantage of the temporary lifting of Sunday opening hour restrictions announced last week in the House of Assembly, Paula Clarke, chairman of the Retail Division of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, said yesterday.

Regulations currently require larger stores to refrain from opening their doors until 1pm on a Sunday. Retailers and the Chamber of Commerce have been lobbying for a permanent change to the regulations during 2013.

Minister of Economic Development Dr Grant Gibbons made the announcement in the House of Assembly that an exemption order had been made under the Public Holidays Act 1947 that would allow retail shops to be open from 9am to 9pm on the three Sundays leading up to Christmas.

Ms Clarke, who is also the chief executive officer of Gibbons Company, said: “Yes, the retailers are taking advantage of it. The stores in Washington Mall are opening extended hours on Sundays.”

“The Gibbons Company Stores, Main Store, Home Store, MAC Store, 9 West and Twenty5Reid are opening from 11am to 6pm for the next two Sundays. We are also open until 8pm on Thursday December 19, Saturday 21, & Monday 23.

“All Stores are open on Late Night Fridays until 9pm.

She said the Chamber website is listing the extended hours of stores who provided them with the opening information.

Dr Gibbons, who is also a member of the Gibbons Company owners’ family, had told Members of Parliament: “ ... we are committed to the revitalisation of Bermuda’s economy. As I stated recently when announcing the 12 days of Christmas promotion, the Bermuda retail sector is a vital component in our economic mix and provides some 3,000 jobs. The Ministry of Economic Development has received strong representation from the retail division of the Chamber of Commerce, on the need for stimulus and extended shopping hours.”

He said: “It is anticipated that the proposed amendment will result in increased demand and sales for our local retail stores. It is also anticipated that higher demand will result in new full and part time jobs in the sector.

“Mr Speaker, we wish our local retailers a busy and successful conclusion to 2013 and trust that these days of Sunday shopping will be helpful to them.”

Useful website: www.bermudacommerce.com