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Island Outfitters opens in Dockyard

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New business in Dockyard: Island Outfitters has opened. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

For everything you need during your Bermuda vacation, just-opened Island Outfitters has it.

The two-storey shop is located right across from the Dockyard ferry terminal, and next to the Bonefish Restaurant.

In business for just a month, manager Stephanie King, who also does the buying, said: “We aim to carry everything that would start a vacation — sunscreen, snorkels, flip-flops.”

There are also gifts for visitors to take home to give to neighbours, friends and family members. “Everyone want to give their neighbour a T-shirt or a shot glass. We also have upscale Bermuda products, such as Bermuda-made salt, jams, prints and children’s books. She noted the books are selling very well as many passengers on the cruise ships which come into Dockyard have grandchildren at home,

“We have everything,” she said.

Ms King has plenty of experience in the hospitality-retail world as she spent several years working at Dockyard Visitor Centre & Gazebo Gift Shop before starting this new venture. Ms King said her interest in retail was inspired by the now deceased retailer John Casling, who had run several stores aimed at visitors which dominated Front Street in Hamilton during the 1980s and 1990s, and had been a father figure to her.

Island Outfitters is located in one of Dockyard’s historic houses which dates from the 1800s — and it meant a lot of work to get the shop shipshape for the arrival of the cruise passengers.

“I designed the fixtures and the layout,” said Ms King. “We’ve kept the look very rustic and added nautical features.”

Bermuda Boat Works did the construction, and Ms King was anxious to credit James Anthony Jr for his work on the project. He acted as project manager and turned his hand to everything from electrical work to carpentry, she explained.

“It’s been a team effort, that’s for sure,” she said. “Trying to get this place open, we’ve had so many people in here until midnight — not just us, but the security guys and others.”

“We are now fully staffed. We have four staff — five including me. We have some summer students and some people who have been with us for a few years.

Now it’s complete and the doors are open: “The feedback we’ve had has been really phenomenal,” she said.

Inside Island Outfitters. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Beach bags, beach wear and snorkels are among the items for sale at Island Outfitters
Island Outfitters rustic decor is the backdrop for an array of vacation wear. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Sun hats are a popular item at Island Outfitters. (Photo by Akil Simmons)
Heading upstairs at Island Outfitters. (Photo by Akil Simmons)