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Want a bird’s-eye view of the AC racing?

High flyer: Blue Sky Flights pilot Heather Nicholds at the controls of the firm’s Cessna 172

A bird’s-eye view of the first Bermuda America’s Cup races is on offer this weekend.

For new company Blue Sky Flights is offering aerial packages and the best seats in the house as the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series Bermuda races get under way.

Blue Sky Flights pilot Heather Nicholds said: “We have really just started for this weekend and we will be offering this when they have races on the Island.

“It’s a really great way to see the races because you can the whole thing as it goes past you.”

Blue Sky Flights also offers a series of tourism packages, including specialised tours — but expects a spike in clients with the lure of the America’s Cup, with flights available from Friday to Sunday.

Ms Nicholds, 33, who has been flying since she was a teenager, said: “We are definitely hoping people will be interested in going up to see the races from overhead.

“We offer lots of different tours and packages, but this is one way to have a very special experience of the America’s Cup.”

The firm’s four-seater Cessna 172 has recently come back into service after passing the tough annual air operating certificate in May.

Ms Nicholds said: “We have a few different pricing packages available for the America’s Cup — we’re working on custom packages for this weekend.”

The Canadian-born pilot said she had already been stunned by the beauty of the Island on previous flights.

Ms Nicholds added: “Bermuda is beautiful — it’s amazing to see the crystal clear water from overhead. It’s just amazing.

“You can see a bit of it landing at the airport, but only briefly then you’ve landed.

“To be able to fly around the Island and to see it that way, it gives you a really good perspective on how everything fits together and how beautiful it is here.”

For more information and packages and prices, contact Ms Nicholds on 516 3305 or visit www.blueskyflights.bm or www.islandtourcentre.com