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New twice-weekly air freight service starts

Taking to the skies: pictured as Island Bargains launches its new air freight service are, from left, Richard Chilton, Roderick Petty, co-owner, Miguel Serrano and Dawn Zuill, co-owner (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

A Bermuda business offering low-cost shipping to the Island has taken to the skies.

Island Bargains of Bermuda has added an air freight service to its existing service by ship.

The firm, based in Queen Street, Hamilton, can now offer a air service flying to Bermuda twice a week — with an option to expand if business takes off.

The new service means goods can be on-Island within three to five days at a flat rate charge.

Island Bargains’ Dawn Zuill said: “The sea service has been very successful, but people have said they want something in a week and we can’t guarantee that by sea.”

The air service costs $15 for the first pound and $5 for each additional pound.

Ms Zuill said: “It’s a great thing for individuals and for small businesses to cut the cost of getting things here.”

Island Bargains launched its shipping service last year, in partnership with Florida-based Richard Chilton, whose Island Bargains now serves nearly 30 countries across the Caribbean and Latin America.

Mr Chilton got into the business — which now operates from a 30,000 square foot warehouse in Fort Lauderdale — six years ago after a friend who sold roofing materials told him a counterpart in the Bahamas was having difficulty getting supplies.

Island Bargains is also offering a special deal for commercial customers and individuals — an all-inclusive flat rate charge of $350 for a standard shipping pallet.

Mr Chilton said: “That’s great for businesses who want to keep their shipping costs down for the holidays.”

Customs clearance is also included, he added.

The company spent about two months testing the air service before unveiling it to the public.

Mr Chilton added: “One of the key points is that traditional bricks-and-mortar retail has moved hugely into online shopping.

“Retailers have store presences, but the e-commerce side has quadrupled over the last few years.

“With us, people can shop online at their favourite store or at www.islandbargains.com, or they can contact us and we’ll do their personal shopping for them — we will source it and get it delivered.”

The service allows customers to send US online purchases to an address in Fort Lauderdale, where the goods are consolidated for shipping on the Somers Isles container ship, which sails to Bermuda every ten days, or alternatively by air.

Customers can also buy a wide range of goods through the Island Bargains website for an all-inclusive price.

The only extra charges are for Customs duty and wharfage before goods are collected at the Island Bargains offices — although the firm can arrange a delivery service for bulkier items.