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New store aims to meet healthy eating demand

Healthy fare: Earth Fare Market on Front Street (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A new store with an emphasis on green and organic products has opened its doors.

Earth Fare Market aims to provide a massive range of products — with an all-natural touch.

Jahmali Bridgewater, who works behind the counter at the new Front Street store, said: “It’s organic foods and organic products that people can use in their every day lives.

“Since we’ve been open, people who are coming in are saying they’re happy this kind of place is here now. They’ve been looking for items like these.

“And we still have more things to come as well — we’re looking at a smoothie bar and healthy, organic takeout food.

“We’re getting more stuff in every week to add to what we already have. It’s a growing store.”

Earth Fare is in a former liquor store opposite the HSBC building at Albuoys Point.

It features supplements, protein powders, organic beauty products, home cleaning items and home decor items, as well as organic nuts and seeds, cooking supplies and hand-woven bags and purses using natural fibres.

The store also features organic wines — and even organic seaweed-based caviar-style Caviart.

Mr Bridgewater said: “We are for anyone who is looking for a healthy lifestyle — people who are looking for a particular supplement to fit their body can come in and we can help.

“And it’s never too late to make the switch to being healthy.”

Mr Bridgewater added there was growing interest in a simpler and healthier lifestyle based on the use of natural ingredients, rather than chemicals.

And he said that even mainstream stores now featured more organic products.

He added: “There are a lot of ingredients in products, I wouldn’t say people are unaware of them, but they’re the norm. It’s what people are used to.

“There is definitely a switch to healthy products — people are looking for healthy and organic foods.”

Mr Bridgewater said he lived in the US for years before returning home — but that his vegan mother made sure he was never exposed to the US fast-food culture and instilled a love of natural products.

He added: “There are a lot of Whole Foods stores in the States and it’s good to see people becoming aware of these things here.”

Mr Bridgewater said the Sunfood range of organic protein powders, nuts and seeds had already proved a hit with customers at the store, which will hold a grand opening this afternoon.

He said: “A lady came in and said she couldn’t eat certain almonds because she is gluten-free — she saw our almonds and she could eat them.”

The store was the brainchild of two businesswomen, who are themselves committed to an natural lifestyle.

Mr Bridgewater said: “We wanted to create an environment that basically is a lifestyle change. So many people are making lifestyle changes, we wanted to make it eco-friendly with products that are kind to the environment.

“It’s an environment people feel comfortable in — they’ve come in, purchased, talk to each other and are coming back. It’s been great.

“I think people find that passion we have put into it when they walk in. It’s been a labour of love.”

New store: Earth Fare Market on Front Street (Photograph by Akil Simmons)