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Pop-up stores seize festive opportunities

Temporary presence: the Exclusive Home outlet is one of several pop-up stores in the Washington Mall

Pop-up stores are proving a boost for businesses and Hamilton’s Washington Mall.

A total of ten traders have set up shop over the festive season in the Mall.

And city centre storefronts are proving popular with Dockyard-based stores who are in the off-season for the tourist trade.

Washington Properties general manager Paul Slaughter said: “It’s very useful at this time of year when we can fill spaces which have been empty.

“Some are from Dockyard, who have a quiet time at this time of the year and we have Exclusive Home, who have an existing space on Reid Street, but wanted something in the centre of town for the Christmas season.”

Gregory Nelmes Home and Jennifer Page’s Practically Perfect are sharing unit 56 on the outside walkway of the mall, while the Bermuda Glassblowing Studio and Bermuda Candle Company/BermuniTees are in unit 36.

Carole Holding Studio and Sousa’s Gardens are at unit A3 and Shannon’s Boutique has rented space at unit W5.

In addition, three kiosks are occupied by the Bermuda Fudge Company, Emmerson Art and Couture Pastry Bermuda from the Dockyard Pastry Shop.

Mr Slaughter said: “It’s good for our existing tenants because it brings more people into the mall and it gives more of an ambience because it fills empty spaces.”

Some of the retailers said they saw the short-term leases as an experiment which, if successful, would lead to longer-term rentals.

Mr Slaughter said: “We hope that people will find the mall is a good place for them to do business, stay longer and possibly move into a larger space.

“We are encouraging pop-ups at the moment because we have empty spaces, although we would prefer not to have any empty spaces at all.”