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Hi-tech water purification business launched

Water quality booster: Miguel Pereira has launched water purification business (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

A businessman has launched a new water purification service for homes and commercial properties.

Miguel Pereira — whose R&M Maintenance Group of companies already includes construction and landscaping arms — has expanded the business with new venture Waterite.

Mr Pereira said that Waterite offers state-of-the-art water purification using the latest technology.

He added: “We’ve just opened the water filtration company — as far as I know, there are only two in Bermuda including us.

“It’s basically water filtration for businesses and homes — Bermuda’s water is hard and not the cleanest you can get.

“It contains a bunch of particles. The water here is very hard and damages a lot of equipment like coffee makers, dishwashers and restaurant equipment.”

Mr Pereira’s system includes an eight-stage ionisation and purification system and uses ultra-violet light to ensure water is crystal clear.

He said: “You can have the system connected to your faucet and have purified drinking water instead of buying these big jugs that take up space.

“We install the filters and the water is always clean. It comes out of the tap completely cleaned — not only are people reducing costs, the filters’ lifetime is three to six months, so they would be looking at a service maybe twice a year.”

Mr Pereira explained that he planned Waterite two years ago — but put off the launch due to the recession and economic conditions on the Island.

He said that water in the City of Hamilton could contain impurities like calcium, iron and other particles.

“That’s why at the moment so much bottled water is being purchased and consumed,” he added.

“We collect water from our roofs, which have pollution on them and store it in tanks, which are sometimes not the cleanest.”

But Mr Pereira added the firm could also install a filtration system at the water pump, ensuring clean water throughout a home or business, as well as under-the-sink systems in kitchens.

And he said that Waterite had already opened negotiations with several companies with a view to installing purification systems.

Mr Pereira added: “There is a demand because, due to the amount of hardener that the water carries, it damages a lot of elements in machines — anything in a kitchen — and it corrodes, so it raises costs.

“We are also providing a product that people know is clean. If somebody is serving someone a glass of water in a restaurant with a meal, it’s clean and not contaminated with things you can’t see or taste.”

Mr Pereira said Waterite also offered a water cooler that draws moisture from the air and produces close to six gallons of water a day.

He explained: “Within 24 hours of plugging it in, it can produce 5.8 gallons a day and the water can be delivered either hot or cold. The water is filtered and treated with ozone, which is a very effective water disinfectant. It’s as clean as you can get.”