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Mailboxes leads the way with rewards card

Rewards card launched: Mailboxes Unlimited staff, from left, are Harrison Burke, Christen Burgess, Cindy Simmons, company president and CEO Stephen Thomson and Adria Hollis

Shipping service Mailboxes Unlimited has delivered a new rewards programme.

The scheme, which is a first for the industry in Bermuda, gives Mailboxes US Express customers cash back and a special card that can be used to get discounts in a range of stores.

Stephen Thomson, president and CEO of Mailboxes Unlimited, said: “This is brand new for Bermuda. No other shipping or courier company does it.

“It’s been received really well by our customers. My thought was let me thank people for their custom. We want to be loyal to those that are loyal to us.

“It allows us to give a graded discount to people who use us; the more people use us, the more they save.”

The scheme gives cash back of up to 15 per cent over four levels with the new US Express Rewards card, which has been issued to all the company’s customers.

Those importing one to four shipments are bronze level, which offers 1 per cent cash back. The silver level for the importation of five to 19 shipments, gives 5 per cent cash back

Gold level, awarded after the shipment of 20 to 49 items, gives 10 per cent cash back, while the top level, platinum, offers 15 per cent.

Totals are recorded on invoices on a running basis so customers can see at a glance how much they have saved on their shipping.

In addition, the Rewards card gives 10 per cent discounts at Mailboxes Unlimited’s sister company, dry-cleaners Just Shirts, frozen yoghurt shop Yo Cherry, the International Sports Shop Ltd and restaurant Portofino.

Mr Thomson said more partners in the discount scheme would be added in the future.

The card also gives US Express members a 20 per cent discount on outbound DHL packages sent by Mailboxes Unlimited.

The company was founded in 1990 and now has three locations. The headquarters are on Par la Ville Road, and there is a location on Church Street and another on Lovers Lane, Paget. The company has about 12,000 members and ships up to 400 separate packages a day.

Mr Thomson, who is also chairman of Bermuda Press (Holdings) Ltd, the parent firm of The Royal Gazette, said: “I want to get more business — there are a lot of computer companies, video stores out there. There is a lot of talk about logistics and we can save people up to 80 per cent on their shipping costs.

“We want to beat anyone who enters the market and we want to reward our customers.

“I want to be the Walmart of shipping and to serve people at the least expense, faster and more efficiently.”

He added: “People want added value and additional benefits from using your service. It’s important.

“It’s a proven thing — I know I’m the first to introduce a rewards scheme and I’m sure others will follow suit now.”