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New carwash launched in east end

Up and running: Chris Perinchief cleans a car at the Shine on Time Carwash, in St David’s. The new business will enhancing its facilities later this week when new equipment is delivered

From small beginnings great things can grow, and that’s what Chris Perinchief is aiming for with his new carwashing business in the east end.

He is a co-owner of Shine on Time Carwash, which has been set up on a section of Ship’s Wharf, on St David’s Road, St David’s.

Mr Perinchief has been operating a mobile carwash business for some time, but realised there was the potential for a permanently located carwash in the east.

“There are only two carwashes on the island, and they are both in the central parishes,” he said.

He believes many east-end residents will be interested in having their car washed locally, rather than having to drive to have it done in Pembroke.

“Summer is coming and I see a lot of potential,” he said.

Mr Perinchief and business partner Michael Lindo approached Bermuda Land Development Coporation, which oversees Ship’s Wharf, to ask for permission to rent a section of the business park for their carwash enterprise. Their persistence paid off when they were given the green light to use a 60 sq ft plot.

A temporary set-up was put in place earlier this week, but has since been enhanced with the arrival of a container with powerwash equipment, a generator and a 330-gallon water tank.

There will also be seating for customers, utilising old bus seats and shaded beneath a gazebo. And it is possible the carwash may add a shuttle service for customers who want to leave their car and collect it later, as Mr Lindo operates a taxi service.

Mr Perinchief studied digital video production in the United States, but was unable to find work in that field when he returned to Bermuda. Instead, he worked for a time at a barbershop and then branched out with his own mobile carwashing enterprise, carrying his supplies and materials around with him.

“I didn’t want to be flatout broke, so I started a car-cleaning business,” he explained.

He would clean cars on location and offer additional services, such as car waxing and vacuuming. The new Shine on Time Carwash at St David’s will also allow customers to pick from a suite of such services.

A sign for the carwash business has been placed at the entrance to Ship’s Wharf. The carwash business is on the opposite side of the road from Southside Police Station, and can be seen from St David’s Road.

The business hours are 10am to 7pm, Monday to Thursday, with later opening until 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays. The carwash is closed on Sundays.

Up and running: Chris Perinchief cleans a car at the Shine on Time Carwash, in St David’s. The new business will enhancing its facilities later this week when new equipment is delivered
Up and running: Chris Perinchief cleans a car at the Shine on Time Carwash, in St David’s. The new business will enhancing its facilities later this week when new equipment is delivered
New enterprise: Chris Perinchief, one of the owners of Shine on Time Carwash, which is located in the Ship’s Wharf yard, on St David’s Road, opposite the Southside Police Station