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ConnecTech celebrates grand opening

Star appeal: Nahki Wells, the Huddersfield Town striker, right, puts his seal of approval on the launch of ConnecTech, with father Michael Wells, and stepmother Coral Wells, the director of ConnecTech

ConnecTech, Bermuda’s first technology incubator, encouraging collaboration and innovation, held its grand opening this week, featuring a guest appearance from the island’s leading footballer, Nahki Wells.

The co-working space held a public open house and private reception showcasing the diverse range of offerings the company provides for entrepreneurs, start-ups, independent professionals and small business teams. The well-attended open house allowed clients to use a hot desk or office for an hour, boasted robotics and coding centres available for public use throughout the day and included a free lunch-and-learn on social media, focusing on quick tips on a variety of social media platforms to engage your customers.

Throughout the day a steady flow of clients including inquiring members of the public, aspiring entrepreneurs and technology enthusiasts viewed the space.

Nahki Wells, the Huddersfield Town striker, who is back on island during his summer break, said: “Engaging kids at a young age and sparking an interest in technology is awesome and promotes the education of future leaders in local and international tech.

“I commend ConnecTech and fully support their mission to create local technology based opportunities for young people and entrepreneurs that may not have otherwise existed.”

The collaborative environment where tech entrepreneurs can learn, develop faster and prosper through collaboration with peers, and connections with key business institutions and experts, through a wide range of events and courses is now taking on new clients.

ConnecTech has also recently launched basic programming, application building and general technology innovation courses for youth, with more advanced courses rolling out in the autumn. This conveniently located hub is set to take Bermuda by storm educating and encouraging the next generation of local techies, closing the large gap between international and local skill sets, and providing local businesses training opportunities to grow local talent and to enhance the existing skill sets of tech staff.

Coral Wells, the director of ConnecTech, is thrilled to see her vision of developing the amazing talent pool in Bermuda come to life. “My vision is to see the entrepreneurs and youth techies collaborate and innovate about ideas to grow our community in the tech industry,” she said. “Wouldn’t it be awesome for Bermuda to be the next tech hub like a small Silicon Valley, having kids create and build the next big idea like Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat?”

Located in the heart of Hamilton at 41 Cedar Avenue, the unique collaborative environment is ideal for persons who conduct business within the city but do not have a place to meet.

The company is also well on its way to building a computer lab and already boasts impressive office, training and meeting space, which is available to rent by the hour, day, week or month. Each rental includes the use of high-speed internet, printing and a fully stocked coffee station, along with other amenities.

Future looks bright: the ConnecTech group (Photograph supplied)
Team player: Nahki Wells’s support for ConnecTech has been there from the start (Photograph supplied)