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Insurer to return to office after blaze

Damage control: Freisenbruch-Meyer president Michael Freisenbruch examines restoration work at the firm’s Front Street office, damaged after fire ripped through the building next door

Insurance firm Freisenbruch-Meyer will be back in its Front Street office by early next month.

The office building suffered smoke and water damage last month as a result of a major blaze that gutted a neighbouring property.

Company president Michael Freisenbruch said that work to repair the damage was progressing fast.

The roof of the Freisenbruch-Meyer building was also damaged by the fire.

Mr Freisenbruch added: “I’ve had the opportunity to walk through and assess the damage to our Front Street office.

“Although from the outside it looks like we were relatively unscathed by the recent fire, being on the inside tells a completely different story.”

But he said: “In the grand scheme of things our damage was nothing compared to the destruction experienced by some of our neighbours.

“Our hearts are still with them at this time as we quietly and diligently work to rebuild our offices.”

The company moved into Chubb’s offices on Woodbourne Avenue in Pembroke the day after the blaze and continued business operations uninterrupted.

Mr Freisenbruch thanked the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service for their efforts in containing the massive blaze, which destroyed the building next door, as well as Chubb for offering temporary office space and IT firm Applied Computer Technologies for restoring systems and ensuring client records and data were safe.

Mr Freisenbruch said: “We are greatly appreciative of Chubb’s hospitality and for their team and staff who have been a key partner in our success.

“Thanks to their support — along with the speedy delivery of the Freisenbruch-Meyer disaster recovery plan — we were able to see our first clients at 9am the morning after the tragic incident.”

And he added: “Last, but certainly not least, we want to thank our valued clients for their continued business during this time.

“They have been extremely patient with us and we appreciate every kind word of support and encouragement that we’ve received from supporters, business partners and the wider community as a whole.”

The company will continue to operate from Chubb during regular business hours of 9am to 5pm until they can transfer back to their own offices.