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Orange Bay throws party to help Haiti

Orange Bay: children's department opened last month

Consignment store Orange Bay Company will tonight throw a party to celebrate the opening of its children’s department — with an emphasis on giving.

For Orange Bay has teamed up with Bermuda’s Feed My Lambs Ministry, which helps orphans in Haiti, which was devastated by Hurricane Matthew earlier this month, to host the “Give thanks, Give Back and Chill” event.

Tickets for the event are free, but guests who donate at least $5 to support Feed My Lambs Ministry will get the lowest ticket price, up to 30 per cent, on items in all departments.

Those who donate $15 or more will get a Feed My Lambs 2017 calendar, as well as the lowest ticket price on items in home goods, clothing and shoes.

The event, which will feature Haitian art and plants from sponsors Aberfeldy Nurseries and a session with stylist Megan Ephraim, will be held at the Orange Bay Company store in Hamilton’s Victoria Street and runs from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

Live music will come from band the Big Chill and feature cocktails and fundraising for Feed My Lambs.

Drinks firm Burrows Lightbourn has donated the wine service, while Pastel & Pastry bakers have sponsored a dessert table.

A spokeswoman for Orange Bay Company said: “After the passage of Hurricane Nicole, which revealed Bermuda’s privilege with its solid infrastructure, architectural prowess and emergency measures operations, the team at Orange Bay Company wanted to show their gratitude.

“They decided to galvanise their community of consignors and customers and do more than just a fun night of shopping.”

Registration for the event closed yesterday.