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Spectrum awards to enable superfast 4G

Speeding up: CellOne and Digicel have been allocated spectrum for 4G services by the Regulatory Authority

Awards of radio spectrum will help to enable 4G mobile services in the Great Sound area in time for next year’s America’s Cup.

The Regulatory Authority last night announced it had given both CellOne and Digicel bandwidth for the introduction of 4G superfast mobile broadband network and services across the island.

Matthew Copeland, CEO of the Authority, said: “The award of the 4G spectrum is vital to ensuring that Bermuda’s mobile services catch up with other countries.

“Bermuda has been behind other countries for too long when it comes to the availability of high-speed mobile broadband services.

“We recognise that the residents and businesses of Bermuda have hoped for and expected a full 4G service provision for a long while.”

The awards are conditional on CellOne achieving 75 per cent 4G service within six months and 99.9 per cent coverage within a year.

Digicel is expected to achieve 50 per cent 4G service within nine months and 99 per cent within 12 months.

The telecoms firms have also agreed to accelerate service provision in the western area of Bermuda, particularly around the Great Sound, the main venue for the America’s Cup, extending into the sea area where the competition will take place.

If either company fails to meet their targets, they will face “significant financial penalties”.

Mr Copeland said: “The Authority views mobile 4G service delivery as essential for this event, hence the related obligations.”

In addition, a net neutrality obligation has been imposed on both CellOne and Digicel designed to promote access to “new and innovative internet-based information, content, applications and services”.