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Hoax e-mail targets businesses

Be warned: cyber crooks are using a hoax e-mail claimed to be from Consumer Affairs to try to gain informnation from local businesses

Consumer Affairs is warning the public about a deceptive “phishing” e-mail being circulated in Bermuda, purportedly sent on behalf of The Department of Consumer Affairs.

The fraudulent e-mail letter claims that a complaint has been filed against your business which requires your response to the attached link in writing within ten days.

Karen Marshall, executive officer of Consumer Affairs said: “This e-mail was not generated or sent from our office. We would not send out via e-mail a letter of this nature; that is not the procedure we follow when notifying a business of a complaint filed against them.

“When a complaint is filed against a local business, we would contact the business via telephone or by an on-site meeting in the first instance. Throughout any investigation the stakeholders are kept informed during the process and seeking sensitive information from a company would be handled via guidelines within the legislation.”

Anyone who receives this e-mail is asked to delete it and not to click on the link.