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Architecture and design firms to share premises

Designs on the future: Cooper Gardner's John Gardner, The Studio Ltd's Beryl Brown and Julia Van Beelen of Cooper Gardner, who have teamed up to share an office and resources, while remaining separate firms

Two of Bermuda’s most prominent architecture and interior design firms are to move in together.

The move comes after Cooper Gardner and The Studio Ltd decided to collaborate, sharing premises and resources, but maintaining their independent businesses and identities.

Now The Studio Ltd will move from its Front Street, Hamilton, home of 25 years to Cooper Gardner’s nearby offices in Par-la-Ville Road.

Julia Van Beelen, a partner in Cooper Gardner, said: “We are excited about the potential that this prospect represents — while the two companies will continue to operate in parallel, sharing a space and resources presents an exciting and unique opportunity for collaboration, cross pollination and a sharing of ideas, all of which will strengthen our common objective of providing excellent service to our clients.”

Fellow partner John Gardner added that he first met The Studio Ltd’s principal and director Beryl Brown when they both worked in New York.

He said: “We respect each other and have complementary design interests. It is a comfortable and very long standing friendship.”

Ms Brown added: “We are all very excited about the synergy to be created as both firms work in parallel — ideas will be exchanged while shared resources will provide greater efficiency.

“Our first conversations, based on mutual respect and a passion for design, has led to this joint commitment.”

Ms Brown said she had come “full circle” as she had worked for Cooper and Gardner following her graduation from Yale University in the US, before moving to New York to work.

She added: “There, John and I gained great experience, eventually returning home.”