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Group to promote America’s Cup opportunities

Guidance is coming: the America’s Cup Bermuda local business opportunities working group is to hold information sessions to assist business owners and entrepreneurs looking for ways to be involved in the event in May and June

Business owners and entrepreneurs will be invited to information sessions and receive guidance about how to maximise business opportunities during the island’s hosting of the America’s Cup in May and June.

With just over four months to go before the event gets under way, the information sessions will begin “soon”, according to a notice from America’s Cup Bermuda.

Support and guidance will come from local business community groups and the ACBDA organisation.

An e-mail address has been set up to field inquiries from interested businesses.

It is expected that as businesses expand to meet the needs, this will also result in an increase local jobs, which will be advertised by the individual businesses on an as-needed basis.

Denise Riviere, an organisational development consultant, has been engaged by ACBDA to lead a working group for local business opportunities, which will connect local businesses and service providers to meet the needs that will arise.

The Bermuda Economic Development Corporation and Bermuda Chamber of Commerce are involved.

A formal process will be established for local businesses that want to engage in the opportunities arising.

Ms Riviere has 15 years of experience helping local and international clients with initiatives such as strategic planning, team development, culture development, and business process improvement.

Mike Winfield, chief executive officer of ACBDA said: “The experience Denise brings and her connection to the local business community will ensure that any local business with the capacity and willingness to engage this year with the economic benefits of America’s Cup 2017, will do so.

“We welcome Denise for her understanding of what needs to be done and her passion and dedication to achieving it to a high quality standard.”

Ms Riviere became a board member of the Bermuda Sloop Foundation in 2009 and became the organisation’s CEO from 2011 to 2014. She has been an ACBDA board member since 2015.

“Be the change you want to see in the world,” is one of Ms Riviere’s favourite quotes and is something she tried to live by. She is a member of Delta Theta Sorority, the public service organisation.

She said: “One of the key reasons we can look forward to America’s Cup in Bermuda in 2017 is the economic benefit we’ll notice in so many different ways.

“When small and medium sized local businesses do well, we all benefit with more jobs, more overtime hours, more spending, and more gratuities.

“I look forward to working with the community through existing business groups to ensure as many local businesses as possible are engaged. This is our big chance to get it right for some future benefit and by working together we can meet, and exceed the challenge.”

The e-mail address for local businesses interested in getting involved in the America’s Cup is: localbizopps@acbda.bm

Denise Riviere