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ACBDA to stage business information sessions

Business guidance: Denise Riviere, chairwoman of the ACBDA's Local Business Connect group (Photograph David Skinner)

The America’s Cup Bermuda team is to launch a series of information sessions designed to maximise opportunities for local businesses.

The ACBDA has set up the Local Business Connect group, representing the island’s business agencies, with the aim of involving as many island entrepreneurs in the multimillion-dollar event as possible.

Denise Riviere of ACBDA, the chairwoman of the group, said: “The cross-agency approach ensures that all sectors are involved.

“By working in collaboration, we can ensure that local business people have access to maximum benefit from AC35.

“We look forward to helping local businesses grow and to meet extra demand for services. Businesses will benefit by putting in the hard work and long hours.

“This summer is going to be busy and lucrative. This is our moment to shine.”

The eight-menber group includes, Erica Smith of the BEDC, Kendaree Burgess of the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, Pat Phillip-Fairn of the BTA, the City of Hamilton’s Danilee Trott, Courtney Trott from the Corporation of St George, Kristin White of Hub 1 Cultural Tourism and Joanna Cranfield from Wedco.

The special information sessions will cover specific areas of business, ranging from marine services, land and water transportation, vendor opportunities and also sessions targeting the west and east ends of Bermuda.

Mike Winfield, CEO of ACBDA, said: “We’re looking forward to delivering a quality experience to share with the rest of the world and it is my belief that through this working group, led by Denise Riviere, that more local businesses will expand, stretch themselves and rise to the challenge and will develop long-lasting skills and experience for their future economic benefit.”

The sessions are:

• Marine services, Thursday, February 23.

• Island-wide vending, Tuesday, February 28.

• Land and water transportation, Wednesday, March 1.

• Entertainment, Thursday, March 2.

All sessions will be held at St Paul AME Church hall and running between 6pm and 9pm for the marine services meeting and vending sessions and 6pm to 8.30pm for the others.

The west focus for business opportunities will be held at Willowbank Hotel on Monday, March 6 and the one for the east on Tuesday, March 7. Both meetings will run between 6pm and 8.30pm.

Grant Gibbons, Minister for Economic Development, said: “These sessions will provide a good chance to maximise opportunities for local business.

“I would encourage small businesses to reach out to the ACBDA to find out how they can become involved in the 35th America’s Cup and contribute towards the economic activity.”

For more information, contact Ms Riviere at localbizopps@acbda.bm.