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New bike custom and repair shop revs up

Custom service: Nicholas Cardoso works on a bike at his new shop in Pembroke’s Bakery Lane (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Lifelong bike fan Nicholas Cardoso has fulfilled a dream with his own bike customisation and repair shop.

Mr Cardoso took the plunge and opened a shop after spending six years working part-time on days and weekends customising bikes.

He said: “This is the first bricks and mortar business — I restore bikes, customise them, do performance tuning and audio and lighting installations.

“I’m pretty much the only company dedicated to customising bikes.”

Among the projects Mr Cardoso has tackled is a nuts and bolts restoration of the Bermuda classic Mobylette moped and giving standard road bikes the sleek look of racing machines.

Mr Cardoso said: “I put audio systems in bikes and lighting which can be controlled by phone and install phone chargers on bikes.”

“The most common thing I’m asked to do probably is clutch tuning for performance and LED lights you can control by phone.”

Mr Cardoso began his career working at Smatt’s livery rental aged just 15, alongside an uncle, who also owns a bike shop.

“I grew up working with him, which was great.”

Mr Cardoso rose to be a manager at Smatt’s and also worked for an island paint company.

He said: “After work, I used to fix people’s bikes and on days off and holidays.

“It was taking focus away from my main job, so I just had to make it full-time — it was crazy.”

In addition, Mr Cardoso operates Bermuda’s first online bike parts shop and is the authorised distributor in Bermuda for several different parts suppliers.

Among the products are items from Kawahara Racing, Uma Racing and Racing Boy, including rain gear.

The shop also carries a range of products from top names in the bike world like Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki and LeoVince stainless steel mufflers.

Cardoso Customs and Repairs also carries out standard maintenance and servicing of bikes.

Mr Cardoso, 28, who studied at the Motorcycle Mechanic Institute in Orlando, opened the bike shop in Pembroke’s Bakery Lane at the start of the month.

And he said there was a high demand in Bermuda for customised bikes.

He added: “Business has been pretty good so far.”

The parts website can be found at www.ccrpartshop.com.

Parts paradise: Veteran mechanic Nicholas Cardoso of Cardoso Customs and Repairs at his new shop in Bakery Lane, Pembroke (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)