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Ex-firefighter provides yacht medic service

Rescue expert: former US firefighter and paramedic Gilbert Darrell, whose Darrell International provided emergency medical cover for the crew of the J Class yacht Svea (Photograph submitted)

A former firefighter and paramedic helped keep the crew of a majestic J Class yacht fit for duty.

Now Gilbert Darrell, known as Artie, is setting his sights on the skies with plans for an air ambulance, as well as expand his marine medic service to events in the US and the Caribbean.

Mr Darrell, the grandson of one-time PLP MP Gilbert Darrell, who later helped found the National Liberal Party, provided medic cover to the 30-strong crew of a J Class boat during the regatta held alongside the America’s Cup.

Mr Darrell, who founded Darrell International two years ago and which also uses the Mobile Rescue Services name, said: “I had been working on the air ambulance service — the America’s Cup came up and I retooled a bit to help out there.”

He added: “When the America’s Cup was coming to Bermuda, it made sense to offer on-water rescue services for the teams here and one of the J Class boats hired us.”

Mr Darrell, who has spent most of his life in the US and is an ex-New York state firefighter and paramedic, was recommended to the captain of the yacht by a mentor and he was signed up for medical cover.

Mr Darrell said: “We put together a package for them to provide paramedic and medical support. The J Class boats can be very turbulent — they’re very heavy and have a lot of weight on the sails.”

During more than two weeks with the historic ocean racer, Mr Darrell’s team dealt with a crewman knocked unconscious by rigging and another falling overboard.

Mr Darrell said: “Luckily, no one was seriously injured but you’re always riding the razor’s edge with these boats.

“We were prepared for emergencies, but we ended up doing smaller things, helping the crew with small ailments and they were very grateful.”

Mr Darrell added: “It’s been a great experience for us — it was great for them to hire us and we were very happy to work for them and we hope to continue that with other races they go to.

“The sailing community isn’t that big and we’re hoping to help other sailing teams throughout the Caribbean.”

Darrell International has three employees — one doctor and two more paramedics and, as well as a presence in Bermuda, maintains an office in Albany, the capital of New York State.

In addition to medical consulting, staffing and training, the firm also offers security services and training and information technology services, including design and development of systems.

Mr Darrell is also a US federal level qualified fire service instructor, a high angle rope rescue trainer, a former communications technician for a New York State urban search and rescue team and an IT business owner and consultant with a range of specialist certification.

And he has almost completed a bachelor’s degree in premedical studies and emergency management at the American Military University.

Mr Darrell, 34, said: “When I cane here on vacation before, it became pretty apparent we had a lot of patients flying overseas to America.”

He added: “There are opportunities when Government is trying to buy new equipment or there are special events coming to Bermuda. These are all things we can help with.”

Mr Darrell said: “I’m working on a relatively secret project in information technology now — it’s been two years in the making and we’re grinding away on it.”