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Opportunities in pipeline for BAC apprentice

Plumb job: Shaquille Jones, right, who is in his final year as part of the BAC plumbing apprenticeship programme with the firm’s contracts operations manager Mike Patterson (Photograph supplied)

A young Bermudian is a step closer to qualifying as a plumber after graduating with a certificate from Bermuda College.

Now Shaquille Jones has one year of his apprenticeship at the Bermuda Air Conditioning Group to complete before becoming a junior plumbing technician.

Mr Jones said: “Joining the apprenticeship programme was the best thing for me.

“I already knew from working in the plumbing department that this would be a good career path, so I’m grateful to BAC for supporting and encouraging me to look ahead to the future.”

Mr Jones spent a year working at a supermarket chain after school at the Berkeley Institute and started work in BAC’s plumbing department in 2013.

He was offered a place on the plumbing apprenticeship programme when it became available in 2015 and spent two years at the college to gain a certificate in plumbing technology.

Mike Patterson, BAC contracts operations manager, said: “I’m proud of Shaquille’s work ethic and his ability to focus on the task at hand.

“And I’m happy that he’s been given the same opportunity that was given to me when I first joined BAC in 1989 as a plumber’s helper.

“I too worked my up through the company and was fortunate to have had the late Gary Hines, contracts operations manager at the time, believe in me as I now believe in Shaquille.”

The BAC apprenticeship programme lasts three years, including two years taking part in the Bermuda College programme in plumbing technology.

Apprentices continue to work at BAC while attending college two or three days a week and tuition fees are refunded on successful completion of the course.