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Top players land hotel's tennis concession

Winning team: Gavin Manders and Jovan Jordan-Whitter, third and fourth from right, with Sam Butler, David Thomas display their medals after this year's Davis Cup and Natwest Island Games events (Photograph supplied)

Bermudian top tennis players Gavin Manders and Jovan Jordan-Whitter have struck up a winning doubles partnership at the Fairmont Southampton.

Mr Manders, the island’s most successful active player and head tennis pro at the Rosewood Tucker’s Point hotel, and Davis Cup team member Mr Jordan-Whitter are part of Manders Tennis Management, which has won the concession rights at the hotel.

The duo will partner with veteran hotel tennis pro Earl Leader to provide tennis tuition at the resort.

Mr Manders, who founded the management company, said: “We’re hoping to expand, but the Fairmont Southampton is the first one.”

He added: “MTM is excited to share our love and passion for the game with Fairmont Southampton.

“It’s an honour to be part of a team that understands what it takes to help grow the sport of tennis in Bermuda and we look to make Fairmont a special place for both Bermudian and visiting tennis enthusiasts.”

Mr Jordan-Whitter, MTM tennis director, added: “We strongly believe that there is no shortcut to success, instead hard work and determination pave the road to fulfilling your dreams.

He has 13 years of coaching experience at local, regional and international levels. He added: “Our team highly appreciates the opportunity to give Fairmont Southampton’s discerning guests and locals alike a unique and inspirational tennis experience.”

The pair previously worked together at Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Centre in Massachusetts.

Mr Manders, who will continue at Tucker’s Point, said: “Fairmont approached me personally and Jovon and I have been talking about this since we were young. We always wanted to make a difference and Fairmont was the first resort to believe in us and the first resort we’ve taken over.

“Jovon is the man on the ground there and the face of MTM at Fairmont Southampton.”

Mr Jordan-Whitter said: “This isn’t my first rodeo. But this will be my first time as a tennis director in Bermuda.

“I’m really excited and enthusiastic about the opportunity here — the sky’s the limit with what we can bring to the table here.”

The new tennis team, which took over from Mark Cordeiro and his Whaler Inn Tennis Club, is also offering players the chance to score a few points in the launch period with a special $49 summer membership, which allows unlimited play until the end of August, plus complimentary court rental and night lights daily.

MTM is also one of the few providers of a ball-hitting machine in Bermuda.

Children aged 5 to 14 can join the youth summer camp, which runs until Friday, September 1. It offers training linked to age to produce better players and all-round athletes.

The summer camp will be replaced on September 4 with an after-school programme with the opportunity to train up to four times a week.

Fairmont Southampton has six hard-surface beachfront tennis courts, three of which have night lighting. There is also a tennis shop.

New serve: One of the tennis courts at the Fairmont Southampton, where new operators Manders Tennis Management has just taken over (Photograph supplied)