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One’s higher speed internet reaches farther

Making progress: Brian Lonergan, left, One’s marketing director, and Frank Amaral CEO of One. The company is rolling out a higher speed internet network and expects to have most of the island covered by the end of October (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

More than 40 per cent of households in Bermuda now have access to higher speed internet connections through One Communications’ FibreWire Internet.

The company expects to have substantial completion of its new islandwide network by the end of October.

And existing customers are already benefiting through automatic upgrades to higher speeds at no additional cost, according to One.

Brian Lonergan, One’s marketing director, said: “The first half of 2017 has seen tremendous progress with the roll-out of the new network. The best part of our FibreWire launch has been the great feedback from our customers regarding their new and significantly improved high speed internet experiences.

“We’ve automatically upgraded nearly 4,000 of our existing internet subscribers to FibreWire plans, at no additional cost. For example, customers who were on a 10 Mbps plan are now on a 30 Mbps FibreWire connection; and those with a 25 Mbps plan were automatically boosted to our 200 Mbps FibreWire plan.”

The FibreWire Internet service is currently available throughout Paget, Warwick, the northern sections of Pembroke, and work has started in Southampton. Early next month the company will progress in the eastern parishes.

One Communications said it has been busy with teams working around the clock to construct Bermuda’s first fibre-optic based network.

The company said that customers who switch to its internet service, which bundles access and internet service provision, will immediately be eligible for a speed boost when FibreWire reaches their neighbourhood.

“As we make our way across the island, customers using our combined internet service will automatically receive a speed boost onto the FibreWire network. Another great aspect to the upgrade is that no service call or installation is required at the customers’ home” said Mr Lonergan.

“We’ve added a FibreWire Map to our website for all residents to track our progress and monitor service interruption updates. This has been created to keep the public informed and the details readily available.”

The company said it is contacting customers to advise them when its teams will be reaching their neighbourhood, and following up afterwards to let them know they have been automatically upgraded.

When the FibreWire is fully in place, One intents to overhaul its cable TV services.

For further plan details and areas of availability for FibreWire Internet call 700-7100 or visit: http://onecomm.bm/shop/internet/internet_plans/fibrewire-internet