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Career transition service set up

Connecting people with work: pictured are, from left, Bill Storie, Sarah Nicholson, Meredith McCreadie, Sylvia Jones and Robin Trimingham

The Olderhood Group Ltd, part of The Career Partners International Firm network, has teamed up with recruitment business Elevate to help locals with career transition.

Robin Trimingham, chief operating officer of The Olderhood Group said Career Partners International is a worldwide organisation with more than 300 offices, specialising in out placement, management consultant, career development and retirement transition service.

The Olderhood Group is a CPI Bermuda partner.

They moved into retirement transition services more than a year ago and felt that the next logical step was to introduce, high-quality, user-friendly outplacement transition services to Bermuda.

Ms Trimingham said: “Nothing like this has happened before on the island.”

Ms Trimingham and William Storie, chief executive of The Olderhood Group, approached Sylvia Jones, Bermuda operations director at Elevate, an executive search and recruitment business.

Ms Jones agreed to work with them, as Elevate had been looking at outplacing for some time. She said: “I was immediately attracted to the idea. From Elevate’s point of view, it was a point in time where we expanded the business locally and our human resource services, office space and started looking at outsourcing, but have not seen a programme as phenomenally structured and one that offers as many resources as Career Partners International.”

Ms Jones believes that this is exactly what Bermuda needs as it is something that will benefit everyone.

“I think particularly with the change of government, there will be an emphasis on getting Bermudians back to work and taking the logical step in their career transition,” she said.

Everyone who participates in the programme will be assigned a highly trained private career coach and other resources, she said.

This will help people get their resumes in shape, gain the confidence for interviews and think clearly of what is the next step in their career.

Ms Trimingham acknowledged the programme is good for both young or older Bermudians.

“It is perfect for younger workers who want to advance and perfect for older workers who have been working for quite some time and haven’t had to make a transition,” she said.

The first step is a private interview and then the career coach is assigned, as well as round-the-clock access to a user-friendly online portal.

Ms Jones said: “We will help people through the online portal which is a very thorough and in-depth approach to the career transition process. We will monitor their progress and navigate the areas most difficult to them. And we will be looking to place them in appropriate positions within their specific industry and get them back into the workforce as soon as possible.”

The service can also help those who want to advance globally in their career.

“Careers Partners are fantastic because it is a network of global partners, therefore if we have someone who wants to take their career international then we can connect with a partner overseas through the career partners network,” Ms Jones said.

“They will be able to help place that individual in a suitable career internationally.”

Mr Storie said: “If a person says ‘I have gone as far as I could go in Bermuda and would like to work overseas’, we will then make contact with one of our 300 offices, depending on where the individual wants to go.

“This is a big advantage for Bermudians. Some people might want to move up but can’t move up for whatever reason locally, so you will be able to use the network to get back out there.”

For more information about this programme visit www.olderhoodgroup.com

Sylvia Jones and Meredith McCreadie
Pictured, from left, are Sarah Nicholson, Sylvia Jones, Meredith McCreadie