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Importer aims to beat rivals’ prices

Price competition: Eldon Daniels, co-owner of ED Imports (Photograph by Rockel Mundy)

A retired local tennis pro and his business partner are hoping for net gains from their new electronic imports store.

“We do it all” is the motto for ED Imports Ltd, located at 107 North Shore Road, opposite Clarke’s Tuxedo Shop. The business aims to offer the lowest prices on the island for its range of products.

Eldon Daniels, who had a long career in tennis, approached Deborah Barstowe about starting the business with him last year and they agreed to become co-owners.

“Mr Daniels and I have been very special friends for over 40 years and I know that it has always been his desire and dream to own his own business,” Ms Barstowe said.

“We talked it over in depth in the early part of last year and he asked if I would like to partner with him in opening an electronics business.”

By May 12 last year the business was incorporated, before the search for a home found the North Shore premises.

“The business is slowly moving off the ground but I am a firm believer that if we persevere we will be successful,” said Ms Barstowe.

Mr Daniels is not new to business as he ran a bicycle store called Races Edge more than 20 years ago, also located on North Shore.

“While working in that shop I used to bring in electronics as a side job, I always had a love for electronics,” Mr Daniels said.

He knew it was time to open his own shop when the opportunity presented itself with this store becoming vacant.

ED Imports has been open since the beginning of November and it sells a wide variety of products, mostly geared towards electronics.

Its offerings include mobile phones, head phones, headsets, smart watches, accessories, lap tops, 360-degree rotational cameras and televisions. The store also sells baby blankets and hats as well as household items such as laundry detergent, hand towels, toilet rolls and softeners. Items are available in bulk, or individually.

“I make sure everything that I sell is cheaper than anywhere else,” Mr Daniels said. “I keep my prices low and will continue matching other stores on island and reduce to make sure they are the lowest.”

The business tries to differentiate itself from rivals through the excellence of its customer service.

“If someone wants an item that I do not have, then I will inquire and get it here for them,” he said. “Also, if anyone comes in and says they see another store with the same item I will reduce my price so it can be lower than that store.”

Mr Daniels wants to encourage locals to become more thrifty. He gains knowledge of each item and sources them himself by spending time in the countries he is importing from.

“I spent over a month in China and I plan to travel back there in a couple of months,” he said. “I take customers’ orders so while I am there I can look for them.”

Right now the shop is offering a 20 per cent discount on televisions.

The store hours of operation are from Monday to Friday at 11am to 1pm and 4pm to 7pm, and all day Saturday from 10am to 7pm.

For more information, call 732-9491 or 705-1560

Team effort: Deborah Barstowe, co-owner of ED Imports (Photograph supplied)
Product range: ED Imports aims to compete on price
Product range: ED Imports aims to compete on price
Product range: ED Imports aims to compete on price