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Dr Nekia to offer acupuncture in Hamilton

Acupuncture and more: Dr Nekia offers a range of treatments (Photograph supplied)

A Bermudian medicine practitioner has expanded her services to a Hamilton location.

Dr Nekia Walker, who goes by Dr Nekia, will soon be offering acupuncture out of Ashlan Clinic on Cedar Avenue, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30am until 6:30pm.

She opened doors at her Southampton location two years ago and now is ready to broaden her business.

“This will allow for patients who are located in the eastern and central parts of the island to come for treatment,” she said, adding that lunchtime and after-work appointments would be available.

“As demand increases, so will my availability. Which means that should these days become fully booked, I will be available for additional days.

“Ashlan Clinic primarily offers clinical-based massage therapy and homeopathy from highly skilled therapists, so acupuncture will most definitely be a great addition to it and I am really excited about this venture,” she said.

Dr Nekia holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, health science, and metaphysics, a master’s degree in oriental medicine and divinity. She also obtained a PhD in transpersonal psychology (counselling).

“I also am certified in injection therapy which is a form of therapy that injects medical grade herbal medicine into trigger and acupuncture points,” she said.

“Injections are given subcutaneously, under the skin, or into the muscle, as opposed to intravenously, and allows for medicines to bypass the stomach and go directly to the site of pain and injury.

“However, I do not currently offer this service as the BHB unfortunately frowns upon persons giving injections who do not hold a nursing or medical doctor designation,” she added.

Upon completion of her training she returned to Bermuda and opened her business in 2008 in St George’s and she went on to offer home visits.

Dr Nekia, who has more than ten years’ experience in oriental medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy and five years as a counsellor, is passionate about her career.

“Many who know me on a personal level say that my profession is reflected in the way that I think and speak, but the truth is that I do not reflect my profession as much as my profession reflects me,” she said.

“I had supportive parents, and this enabled me to choose a profession that suited my personality and core interests. Giving deep thought on what would make me happy or fulfil me as a human being was very important when it came to deciding what field I was going to go into.

“As a result, my profession bestows on me many rewarding experiences that have nothing to do with financial gain. Each client and each patient allows for me to grow professionally and personally, and I thoroughly enjoy knowing that I make such a significant difference in the lives of the people who step into my office.”

The services offered by Dr Nekia are to address mental, emotional and physical ailments.

She said the most popular therapies were acupuncture, massage therapy, cupping therapy, gua sha, and moxibustion.

For more information visit http://www.drnekia.com and follow on Facebook page @ Doc Nekia

Dr Nekia Walker (Photograph supplied)