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Harbour Nights session for vendors

Street festival: Harbour Nights is a major tourism draw

Vendors who want to participate in Harbour Nights are invited to an information session hosted by the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce next week.

The street festival, which highlights offerings from artisans, crafters, chefs, musicians and other entertainers including the Gombeys, is set to start on April 26, which is a Thursday.

From then, it will be held weekly, on Wednesdays, through August 29.

The information session, aimed at those who have taken part before as well as new vendors, will be held at the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, at 1 Point Pleasant Road, Hamilton, near the ferry terminal, next Tuesday, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.

Vendor registration is now open and applications can be downloaded from www.bermudachamber.bm or collected from the Chamber’s office. Those wishing to participate for the whole season or the month of May can submit applications until March 23, 2018.

Interested people can register for the session online at www.bermudachamber.bm, by contacting the Chamber at 295-4201, or e-mailing Korrin Lightbourne at klightbourne@bcc.bm