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Coach helps others to reach their potential

Focused approach: Claire James is a Bermudian-based certified professional coach who founded Ritchie & Associates (Photograph by Jane Briscoe-Price Photography)

Claire James is a certified professional coach whose aim is to inspire individuals and help companies improve their bottom lines by solving pressing business and development challenges.

She is the founder of Ritchie & Associates, a transformation consultancy that has a website at cjcoach.com.

Ms James has travelled the world and now lives in Bermuda where she provides consulting and coaching. She graduated from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, a US-based organisation that is accredited by a number of institutions, including the Accredited Coach Training Program.

Ms James works mostly with entrepreneurial-minded people, who are specialists in their fields. She said: “They believe in their dreams and are dedicated to their own growth, whilst inspiring those around them.

“My vocation is helping gifted and creative people to take decisive actions, deeply connected to their values and purpose, so they can get their greatest work into the world.”

“My clients are talented, strong and inspiring leaders, groups, businesses and individuals who choose to be at the cause, rather than the effect of their lives.”

Explaining how process works she said clients are referred or recommended for an initial consultation. When she feels they are truly inspired, invested and ready for the life-changing results, and the client also feels this, they are invited to enrol in an individualised, bespoke programme.

“My bespoke programmes are all paired with an inside-out approach and cutting edge assessment tools. I use these to help you increase your ability to shift your own energy and the energy of those around you.”

She mentioned the Energy Leadership Index, something that was created and developed by Bruce Schneider of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching.

She said: “By holding up a mirror to your perceptions, attitudes and behaviours, you gain a deep understanding of how to tap into your inner wisdom. How can we help you to use energy so that it works for you, your teams, family and clients; what challenges need that energy to help inspire, attract and lead an extraordinary life?”

After the assessment there is a personalised report and debrief with the client.

Ms James describes herself as clear and transparent, and believes that a large part of a client’s positive shifts occur when they find clarity.

“My core values are of kindness, feeling safe, confidentiality and non-judgment. I pair these with intuitive listening, empowering questions and energy leadership to help clients to discover where the magic lies.”

When asked what challenges she notices facing women entrepreneurs, she said: “Women are such powerful, fascinating and diverse creatures. We are all so different and yet so similar in our root fears, challenges and desires. Women are often looking for a higher sense of purpose, wellbeing and fulfilment in whatever area we feel passionate about.

“We can worry about the unknown, or feel paralysed by our limited self-belief and juggle too much to concentrate on one solution. But if we get it right or get the right support then our confidence and energy helps transform our own lives and the lives of those around us. It’s a win when we work together.”

For more information visit: http://www.cjcoach.com, e-mail to cj@cjcoach.com or call 441-537-2525.