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Glass studio moves into Dockyard mall

Popular craft: Matt Hooper, Studio8.glass owner, showing children how to make items from glass (Photograph supplied)

A glass fusion business has expanded and relocated in the West End.

Studio8.glass, which was based at Dockyard Glassworks, has just taken over a space at The Mall, at Royal Naval Dockyard.

The business gives people a chance to design and fuse their own glass designs.

Matt Hooper, the business’s owner said the opportunity arose to open a dedicated retail outlet to build on success Studio8.glass’s success in the Dockyard Glassworks.

Heidi Proctor, the shop’s manager, said it was an interactive space, so as well as selling their own designs, Studio8.glass offers classes for people to fuse their own glass pieces.

She added: “Each person is given a slab of ceramic that they place their assembled glass pieces on to be fired. It really is fun and the people really enjoy making their own things.

“They can make sun catchers, pieces of jewellery or just about anything their imagination can come up with.

“Once a person finishes their design, we fire them in our kilns at about 1500F before we allow them to cool to room temperature which can take about five hours.”

Joanna Cranfield, the business development manager at the West End Development Corporation, said: “We are very happy that they have moved to The Mall. It offers something very different and I’m sure it will be a huge hit with locals and our visitors.”

Asked whether the business was popular among America’s Cup guests last summer, Mr Hooper replied: “My business in particular didn’t really benefit from the America’s Cup to any significant degree, but overall I feel it was an amazing success.

“Many businesses did very well and that can only be a good thing, you definitely won’t find me complaining about the America’s Cup — the atmosphere in Dockyard was something to remember.”

Studio8.glass offers handmade glass-fused items ranging from jewellery to glass snowflakes and Bermuda island decorations.

It offer lessons for individuals and groups of up to eight where people make their own items that we fire in the kilns before finishing and returning the items. This has proved a popular team-building exercise and a party event for people of all ages.

The lessons take place at a pre-arranged time and last approximately two hours depending on the person, you may take longer if you wish.

For more information, visit the website www.studio8.glass

New home: Heidi Proctor, manager of Studio8.glass
Glass creations: items made at Studio8.glass (Photograph supplied)
Glass creations: items made at Studio8.glass (Photograph supplied)
Glass creations: items made at Studio8.glass (Photograph supplied)
Glass creations: items made at Studio8.glass (Photograph supplied)