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Six new appointments at Fireminds

Island teams: Michael Branco, centre, CEO of Fireminds, with Bermudian-based members of staff. Fireminds has made six new appointments (Photograph supplied)

Fireminds has boosted its Bermudian-based sales and IT consulting team with six appointments.

Four of the new recruits are Bermudian, while the other two are island residents.

Joining the sales team are Kitwana Williams, sales co-ordinator, Naomi Staines, senior sales and account manager, and Conor McGowan, head of sales. While Steve Hilton and Tim Steinhoff, both formerly with ACT, have joined the IT consulting team, as has George Masters, formerly with MS Frontier, who takes up the role of senior technology consultant.

Michael Branco, chief executive officer of Fireminds, said: “As we continue to grow internationally, with offices in Halifax and Miami, we are committed to growing our Bermuda business.

“Adding new members to our sales team will allow us to pursue new projects, which in turn can be carried out by our growing technology team. We are extremely excited to be able to apply Conor and Naomi’s sales backgrounds in Bermuda’s technology market, particularly with Conor’s experience in the European market which he gained during his time at Vodafone.

“We look forward to continuing to serve our present and future clientele within our local market.”

Mr Branco added: “We pride ourselves on being a Bermudian-based and led business with a strong Bermudian staff. There are countless opportunities in the IT industry, and we are pleased to see so many Bermudians taking an interest in how to advance within the industry.”

Ms Williams, Ms Staines, Mr Steinhoff and Mr Masters are Bermudian, while Mr Hilton is a longtime Bermuda resident, originally from Canada, and Mr McGowan, from Ireland, has lived in Bermuda for four years.

Kitwana Williams
Conor McGowan
George Masters
Naomi Staines
Tim Steinhoff
Steve Hilton