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Artist’s winning mix of passion and business

Passing on his passion: Carlos Santana teaching students art at the North Village Community Club (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Bermudian entrepreneur Carlos Santana turned his passion for art into a business and now has clients overseas, artwork displayed at the Hamilton Princess, and is teaching art students at a summer camp.

He turned his pursuit into a business four years ago and described the journey as “a rollercoaster”.

In Bermuda, his work has caught the eye of not only the Green family who own the Hamilton Princess, but also the Premier.

Describing what has happened since setting up Carlos Santana Artistry, he said: “I have hosted art shows, attended the Essence Music Festival, have been teaching art, hosting parties, and more.

“David Burt and his wife came to one of my art shows and brought one of my pieces.”

Meanwhile, on display in the lobby of the Hamilton Princess is a limited edition Bob Marley piece he created, and another piece of artwork of a Bermuda stamp that he personalised and designed.

He is overwhelmed and humbled that the hotel chose to display his artwork within the hotel.

“I am thankful. I would like to thank the Greens for this opportunity.”

His father is Wendell “Joe” Trott, a former Bermuda national team footballer. While Mr Santana is named after the famous guitarist, he is establishing a name for himself in the world of art, both locally and internationally. He said he is still surprised by how far he has come in such a short time.

“These four years have been a crazy rollercoaster for me. I am just riding the waves. It is not a hobby, but my job. I have clients in Philadelphia that like to buy my artwork.”

Mr Santana has started to do memorial sheets for loved ones who have passed away and has dedicated his own memorial sheet to Taylor Grier, the 30-year-old father who was gunned down last month.

“I felt like I needed to do this memorial piece as he was always cool with me,” he said.

He also works in collaboration with other local entrepreneurs, and this month he has a summer camp at Bernard Park, which involves teaching art to students.

“We do art projects, we also go on field trip tours. There are a few spots left for anyone to join.”

For more information on Carlos Santana Artistry visit Instagram:@liveloveart_7, Facebook Carlos Santana Dill-Trott or call 707-1286

Artists at work: Students learn from artist Carlos Santana at the North Village Community Club (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Passing on his passion: Carlos Santana teaching students art at the North Village Community Club (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Collaborating in style: Carlos Santana with Brittney Wolf, owner of fashion line, Love Bomb (Photograph supplied)
Collaborating in style: Patrice Morgan, owner of Bermuda Born handbag line, with Carlos Santana (Photograph supplied)
Passion and business: artist Carlos Santana at work (Photograph supplied)
Carlos Santana teaching students art at the North Village Community Club (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)