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More vendors being sought for Dockyard

Wedco is inviting outdoor vendors to apply to be part of the summer and winter season at Dockyard next year

Small business are being given the chance to take advantage of Bermuda’s busiest tourism hub by becoming a vendor at Dockyard.

West End Development Corporation is inviting applications for outdoor vendors for the 2019 summer season and next year’s winter season.

“It is a great opportunity, especially for a small business,” said Stephanie Rodill, the marketing and events manager at Wedco. “Our experience shows that visitors love the items Bermudian vendors sell and the direct interaction with local entrepreneurs, which adds another dimension to the Dockyard experience.”

This year, vendors included Duch Pops, 9 Parishes, Positive Energy, Churchill’s Ltd, Sunset Studio, Top Dog and Bermuda Fudge Co set up their stalls in between the Gazebos near the ferry stop.

Ms Rodill said: “Six concrete vendor pads are available, complete with electricity and water access. We are really looking forward to seeing what local entrepreneurs have to offer.”

Bermuda was expected to receive 180 cruise ship calls this year bringing approximately 470,000 passengers, an increase of 53,500 compared to last year.

Information and application forms are available at dockyardbermuda.com/wedco/forms-applications and completed applications should be sent to marketing@wedco.bm or delivered to the Wedco offices at the Clocktower Mall between 8.30am and 4pm. The deadline is January 11.