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Elevate launches career support programme

Career care programme: Sylvia Jones, director of Elevate

An executive recruitment company has launched a programme to support young Bermudians in making career decisions.

Elevate Executive Selection says its Career Care Programme aims to provide the best career exploration and readiness service at all stages throughout its clients’ careers.

“The reality is that the challenges and opportunities faced by students now are unlike those of any previous generation with automation, artificial intelligence and heightened competition the new reality,” Ryan Summerville, Elevate’s career coach, said.

“As a result, students today require specific knowledge and skills in education and career/life planning to support them in making sound choices.”

The programme is specifically designed for high school students, university students and recent graduates. It will be delivered through a series of group workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions.

It will run in alignment with programmes now in place in local academia and with the Ministry of Education and Workforce Development Plan 2022, which is Bermuda’s Strategic Plan for Public School Education and the National Workforce Development Plan. Elevate says it is the first private-sector company to act as an industry partner to drive this forward. Elevate will leverage its business contacts and knowledge to create opportunities for young people.

“We have a broad network with strong connections to influencers and mentors and want to leverage this to the benefit of the programme so that the current generation of young Bermudians can gain access to summer work placements, work shadowing opportunities and internships,” Sylvia Jones, director of Elevate Executive Selection, said.

Elevate said it would deliver a programme that will provide career direction, skills assessment, job-market awareness, soft-skills development, work experience, one-on-one coaching and mentoring support, as well as support during a career change process.

For further information, contact Elevate on 296-8663 or e-mail Sylvia@elevateselection.ie