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McGinger, Doggie and Lobsterboy return

Fun activity: a second 3 Little Bermudians colouring book has been released, and it has a Christmas theme (Photograph supplied)

A second 3 Little Bermudians colouring book has been published by McGinger Design Lab.

This special edition book follows the characters McGinger, Doggie and Lobsterboy as they take part in various Christmas festivities in Bermuda.

The book is suitable for children of all ages, Ilya Cherapau chairman of McGinger Design lab, said: “Our team wanted to create a family-oriented gift that reflected Bermuda and its traditions during the Christmas holiday — we succeeded, we are proud, and we know that you will love it too.”

The first 3 Little Bermudians colouring book was released in June. The books are available from Brown & Co., the Bermuda Bookstore and other book and gift shops. The books can also be bought directly from www.mcginger.bm, with free shipping extended to those making international purchases for friends and family overseas.